
I'm a big believer that everyone should have their own little clubhouse on the web. This is mine; as such there is no central focus. It's not a blog about coding, or what I'm reading, it's not about the internet or art or any of my other various hobbies it's a combination of all of that. It's ideas, experiments and whatever pops into my head.

I'm passionate about design, art, music and photography (but I'm not very good at any of them). I get paid to program, mostly with some combination of Elixir, Ruby and JavaScript but I like to solve problems and build things with any tool handed to me. I recently embarked on a journey of home ownership so lately I've been using more hammers and drills more than Phoenix and Rails. I've also just embarked on the journey of fatherhood for a second time so that keeps me busy as well.

By day, for money, I'm a programmer, I get paid to make websites with languages such as Elixir, Ruby and JavaScript. In the near-17 year history of travisfantina.com this site has taken on a few different forms; Flash, raw HTML with PHP sprinkles, TinaCMS, Sveltekit and now Ghost. As a web developer you might wonder why use a third party CMS like Ghost; I've found that when I build something from the ground up I spend more time working on it rather than using it as a vehicle for getting my thoughts into the world. Using Ghost forces me to make minimal design/infrastructure/coding decisions so I can focus on just posting whatever I want.