Merry Christmas everyone!
A collection of 9 posts
Not to rush Christmas, but I think I'll try my hand at Advent of Code this year. It will be a good chance to play around with Rust.
Went walking with my daughter and we picked some autumnal bouquets.
I'm 33 years old and I only learned how to spell "doesn't" this year. Getting enough practice where I almost spell it right the first time. (I think I used to default to dosen't).
Why Cybertruck when you could Cyberduck! I think I've been using Cyberduck for 100% of my FTP needs for at least 15 years. Such a rock solid piece of software.
SQL is the way, SQL is always the way! I killed myself for hours this morning trying to query/clean some data in Rails, started writing raw SQL and had it sorted in 30 minutes!
Apparently I destroyed my fingerprint while climbing over the weekend- my MBP fingerprint no longer seems to work. It's a small feature but very missed when it doesn't work.

Morning Jog in Guelph. Rainy days like yesterday are perfect!
I just modified the Journal theme to allow for microblogging.