TIL INSERT INTO with SELECT constraints

In the past month I've had to write a lot of SQL to migrate a system and split existing "locations" into tenants ie. migrating data from a public schema to a tenant's schema is gets messy due to foreign key constraints. Order of operations is important but sometimes you still find yourself in a corner.
In instances where I already have data in the tenant schema, for example customers and I need to load a subset of data from another table, eg. customer_addreses it's possible to run the query with tenant.customers as a constraint for what your inserting:

INSERT INTO tenant.customer_addresses SELECT * FROM public.customer_addresses AS pc WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tenant.customers AS tc WHERE tc.id == pc.customer_id)

This will insert public.customer_addresses into tenant.customer_addresses for every teant.customer that already exists. I've gotten around a lot of tricky constraint issues with missing/incomplete data this way.